







Junior ranger movement was first established in Gauja National park in 2004 and since the end of 2015, Junior ranger group is also formed in Kemeri National park. Junior rangers are involved in development of both parks – they participate in various maintenance and clean-up events assisting environmental inspectors. They also learn about nature indoors and outdoors and participate in diverse environmental education activities. They are young nature researchers who watch nature and its processes, try to understand animal world order and see everyday nature miracles most people don’t notice.


Junior Ranger Movement Beginnings

“Junior ranger” is an international movement that started in year 2002, when “Europarc Federation” developed this program. It was established to encourage young people explore nature, learn about its conservation and cultural heritage conservation using various practical activities and non-formal education methods. “Europarc federation” is non-governmental organization that unites big number of specially protected areas (National parks, biosphere reserves etc.) in Europe. It was established in 1973 and still nowadays they work as umbrella organization, overlooking Junior ranger activities in participating countries and organizing international summer camp in cooperation with one of participating countries. It gives two junior ranges and their mentor an opportunity to experience, learn and do things, meet young people from other protected areas and promote Latvia and its nature values on international level. Junior rangers from Latvia have participated in many international summer camps in Europe: Germany, Spain, Great Britain, The Netherlands, Czech Republic, Finland etc.


Junior Rangers in Gauja National Park

Junior ranger movement in Gauja National park was established in 2004 by Meldra Lagenfelde and experienced environmental inspector Maris Mitrevics. Junior rangers have helped to organize countless events together with sophisticated nature inspectors. They have acquired knowledge, hiked most beautiful places of Gauja National park and even carried out a project “Let`s get to know nature in night”, involving youth from local non-governmental organizations. Also most experienced Gauja National park rangers have led environmental education lessons and creative workshops about nature to local communities and municipality inhabitants.


Junior Rangers in Ķemeri National Park

Junior ranger movement in Kemeri National park has begun only in the end of 2015. Nine active youngsters from Kemeri, Jurmala, Tukums and Riga participate in activities like hiking, nature research outdoors and indoors, community work in nature objects and diverse clean-up, environmental education activities and infrastructure maintenance jobs. Junior rangers also meet environmental inspectors to learn from them and explore nature together with experienced nature conservation specialists.