Process description
Service requests
The service is free.
In order to receive a permit for introduction or re-introduction, a person shall submit a submission to the Natural Protection Board, which shall be accompanied by the relevant annexes in accordance with Cabinet Regulation No. 1165 of 21 December 2010, Procedures for Issuing Permits for the Acquisition of Individuals of Non-Herbed Species, Introduction of Wild Species Uncharacteristic to the Nature of Latvia and Renewing the Species Population in nature (re-introduction) '(11) or (20).
For introduction, an application in a free form shall be accompanied by:
1) justification for the immediate economic or social necessity of introduction;
2) an environmental impact assessment;
3) scientific justification.
For re-introduction, an application in a free form, which provides information regarding the re-introduction project and the place and time of the public consultation thereof, shall be accompanied by:
1) scientific justification regarding the ecological conformity of the designated territory (region) for reintroduction;
2) justification that the most ecological and genetically occurring populations have been selected for re-introduction;
3) studies on the justification for re-introduction of species which are local species in their territory, if this could contribute to the conservation of these species;
4) studies on reintroduction as an effective means of restoring the favourable conservation status of species, taking into account the experience of other countries;
5) information on how the donor population structure and self-renewal capacity will be maintained;
6) information on how the protection regime will be provided for the renewable population;
7) information on the results of the public consultation and copies of written comments, proposals and opinions submitted, etc.Receipt of services
The Nature Protection Board shall inspect the legality and scientific justification of the activity indicated in the application and the documents appended thereto prior to the issuance of the permit for introduction.
A permit for introduction shall not be issued if:
1) there is no urgent economic or social need for such introduction;
2) no environmental impact assessment has been carried out or the introduction of the intended environmental impact assessment will have a negative impact on the environment;
3) the introduction is in contradiction with the precautionary or assessment principle specified in the regulatory enactments regulating environmental protection.
The Office shall inspect the legality and scientific justification of the activity indicated in the application of the applicant and the documents appended thereto prior to the issuance of the re-introduction permit and shall request the opinion of the expert of the relevant sector
The Office shall not issue a re-introduction permit if:
1) the planned re-introduction is in contradiction with the conditions for re-introduction of species specified in regulatory enactments;
2) re-introduction is in contradiction with the precautionary or assessment principle specified in the regulatory enactments regarding environmental protection;
3) the factors which have led to the disappearance of the species have not been eliminated.
The Nature Protection Board shall, within 90 days after receipt of the application of the initiator of the introduction or re-introduction, take a decision regarding the issuance of a permit for the introduction or re-introduction of the species or a refusal to issue such permit.
If a permit for introduction or re-introduction has been issued, the Office shall send a copy of the permit to the local government in the administrative territory of which the permit recipient has intended to carry out the introduction or re-introduction.
The Office is entitled to withdraw the permit for introduction or re-introduction if:
1) false information regarding the planned activity has been indicated in the application;
2) individuals of the species shall be used in a manner which is inconsistent with the objectives specified in the application of the applicant for the permit;
3) the conditions of the issued authorisation are not complied with;
4) additional information has been obtained regarding the harmful effects of the introduction of the relevant population on the environment.