Execution deadline in working days
Any person
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Receiving restrictions

In order for a person to perform the restoration of specially protected habitats and specially protected species habitats in a forest located in a specially protected nature area or micro-reserve, and the territory of the planned activities shall be subject to the authorisation of the Natural Protection Board when recovering or carrying out forest-controlled burning.

Process description

  1. Service requests
    The service is free.
    The owner must complete the application in a free form. When submitting documents electronically, they must be signed with an e-signature.
    The application must be accompanied by:
    - a land unit situation plan with a highlighted boundary of the renewable specially protected habitat or specially protected species (forest area to be replanted),
    - a plot of the area to be replanted (sketch of the felling),
    - opinion of an expert on the conservation of species and habitats certified by the relevant species or group of habitats.

    In order to perform the planned operation, the forest inventory of the relevant territory must be in force in accordance with the regulatory enactments regarding forest inventory and the circulation of information of the State Register of Forest.

  2. Receipt of services
    The Nature Protection Board shall, within 10 working days, evaluate the conformity of the area with the criteria for the renewal of specially protected habitats or specially protected species habitats, the information contained in the expert's opinion and the regulatory enactments regulating the conformity of the planned activity with the nature protection.
    If the area is to be examined for the assessment of the conformity of the area, the Nature Protection Board shall do so during the growing season or under conditions not provided. The Natural Protection Board shall immediately inform the person regarding the extension of the period for the assessment of the area.
    If the area complies with the criteria for the restoration of specially protected habitats or specially protected species habitats, and the planned operation does not conflict with the requirements of the regulatory enactments regulating nature protection, the Natural Protection Board shall send the referred to documents to the State Forest Service and the local government (if a planned operation with which the territory will be reforested).
    The State Forest Service and the local government shall, within 10 working days after receipt of the referred to documents in conformity with the competence, provide an opinion regarding the conformity of the planned operation with forest management and utilisation, as well as regulatory enactments regulating fire safety and fire-fighting and planning documents for local level territory development.
    The Nature Protection Board shall, within the time period and in accordance with the procedures specified in the Administrative Procedure Law, take a decision regarding:
    - the issue of an authorisation;
    - the extension of the period for issuing a permit, if a verification of the eligibility of the area in the area is required;
    - a refusal to issue a permit if the area does not conform to the criteria for the rehabilitation of specially protected habitats or specially protected species habitats or the planned operation is in contradiction with Paragraph 3 of Cabinet Regulation No. 325 of 18 June 2013, Regulations regarding the restoration of specially protected habitats and specially protected species habitats in the forest.