The aim of the project is to take measures to ensure the protection of the priority species of the EU Habitat Directive - hermit beetle (Osmoderma eremita complex) by creating a transboundary ecological network connecting Lithuanian and Latvian populations of this species.
Updated: 12.03.2025.
Baltic wide web for Osmoderma eremita: the creation of an ecological network in the Baltic region
European Union LIFE Environment Programme
Nature conservation, habitat inventory, nature protection, management of nature territories, management of nature areas, ecosystem services, containment of invasive species, monitoring, territory planning, environmental education
The aim of the project is to take measures to ensure the protection of the priority species of the EU Habitat Directive - hermit beetle (Osmoderma eremita complex) by creating a transboundary ecological network connecting Lithuanian and Latvian populations of this species, also reaching the border populations of North Poland and South Estonia, and conducting research and the creation of the new Natura 2000 sites or the extension of existing ones to create a Natura 2000 network in accordance with the requirements of the Habitats Directive.
During the implementation of the project restoration and management of the habitats of the Osmoderma will be carried out, and guidelines for the management of parks and avenues will be developed. The project will develop a hermit beetle (Osmoderma eremita complex) species protection plan in Latvia and six nature protection plans for specially protected natural areas (the protected landscape area “Ziemeļgauja”, the nature park "Ogre valley", the nature reserves "Sitas and Pededzes floodplain", “Mugurve meadows”, “Kaļķupe valley”, “Raķupe valley”). The project includes many activities aimed at public education and information.
Creation of an ecological network for the protection of the hermit beetle (Osmoderma eremita complex) in the Baltics.
The main tasks and actions of the project in Latvia:
- Research of the most important areas of the ecological network of the hermit beetle (Osmoderma eremita complex);
- Development of hermit beetle (Osmoderma eremita syn. barnabita) species protection plan in Latvia;
- Development of nature protection plans for specially protected nature territories.
- Carry out practical management activities - habitat restoration, management and upkeeping (avenues, parks and big trees);
- Development of guidelines for the management of parks and greenery;
- Development of park reconstruction projects, implementation of reconstruction projects;
- Development of a training program on the management of avenues, parks and plantations;
- Study course development and approval for environmental specialists;
- Supplementing the natural data management system "Ozols" with current information about the hermit beetle (Osmoderma eremita syn. barnabita) and its habitats;
- Nature education events and promotions.
- A map of the hermit beetle (Osmoderma eremita complex) ecological network (scale 1:5000) covering Lithuania and Latvia;
- Prepare an overview of the inventoried and managed trees suitable for the hermit beetle (Osmoderma eremita complex);
- Hermit beetle (Osmoderma eremita complex) species protection plan in Latvia;
- Develope six nature protection plans;
- Update methodology for hermit beetle (Osmoderma eremita complex) monitoring in Latvia;
- Natural data management system "OZOLS" is supplemented with information about the hermit beetle (Osmoderma eremita complex) and its habitats;
- Update the application for identification of large trees in Latvia;
- Prepare nature education materials for classes;
- Develope and approve training course for environmental specialists;
- Guidelines for the preservation and management of parks and historical plantations are developed;
- Develop six reconstruction projects for parks and dendrological plantings.
- LIFE22 NAT/LT/101113698
- LIFE22 NAT/LT/101113698
- 78 months (01/01/2024 - 30/06/2030)
- 78 months (01/01/2024 - 30/06/2030)
- 11 005 398,49 EUR in total (to NCA 2 784 336,88 EUR)
- 11 005 398,49 EUR in total (to NCA 2 784 336,88 EUR)
- 75% or 8 254 048,88 EUR financed by European Union LIFE Environment Programme, for NCA - 2 088 252,66 EUR
- 75% or 8 254 048,88 EUR financed by European Union LIFE Environment Programme, for NCA - 2 088 252,66 EUR
- 25% or 696 084,00 EUR co-financed for NCA from State budget funds
- 25% or 696 084,00 EUR co-financed for NCA from State budget funds
- Latvia and Lithuania
- Latvia and Lithuania
- LIFE Osmo Baltic
- Nature Conservation Agency
Irisa Mukāne
Zanda Segliņa
Co-funded by Euripean Union.
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Neither the European Union nor the granting authority can be held responsible for them.